Preacher John's blogger - Fresh Headguts!

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Much news since last posting... But the big thing today is:
My Album is DONE! It is READY! WooHoo! Current mood: exhausted
Yes, it's only taken a YEAR! But at last the "best of" (or "you can just just about stand it of") Preacher John is DONE! DONE I say! My creation lives! ...I'm soooo sleep deprived!...
It's called WORD (1998 - 2007) on account of it being a retrospective...
25 tracks - including a shedload of new ones and load of older ones never before recorded (or not as well as this anyway!) there's only three tracks on from previous albums and all the new recordings were (all 22 of them) were done live in one take! And there's a supercool remix by Jason Field too (I'm pretty sure that's up on my profile but this PC won't let me see it!!!)...
I've made a few to sell already they'll be £5 coming soon to a gig near you!Oh and it'll be up on my Cafe press soonish too!
(must sleep now!)

posted by jon at 5:52 PM


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