Preacher John's blogger - Fresh Headguts!

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hey - cross posting stuff from my myspace blog 'cos I just realised it has no archive facility! and scrolls off after a half dozen posts! So here is stuff:

30 Aug 2007
A good night tonight and changed gig dates! Current mood: happy
Well the Up In swapped around their band vs. open mic nights so I ended up down the 3Bs tonight where an ace night was had by all some great artists played!
And I got to play 3! tunes including a brand new one which I only wrote 5 days ago! Always kinda hairy but v.exciting :)
Anyway so future gig dates I hope to go play Up In next week! Maybe see you there! :)

27 Aug 2007
My poetry now available as an eBook
oooh look at me all 21st Century, I've done a .pdf eBook version of my poetry book - "The Thoughts of Preacher John - Book 1" and you can pick it up for half the price of the hard copy! Just go here to buy it with your Paypal thingy!
If you fancy, you know? :)

New tracks uploaded for download at my garageband!
I've maxxed out my myspace slots for tunage so I've put up a couple of extra tracks from the new album over and above those on my myspace at:
There's the remastered version of "Come A Long Way Baby"and the new recording of "Unexploded Bomb"and soon the new recording of "Can't Help But"
Enjoy! :)

Gutted - the Come Together Festy is cancelled! :’(
The Come Together Festy peeps sent me this:
"Unfortunately after the flooding of Marsh Meadows, the site is still far too waterlogged to hold our festival. We are hoping for a licence to do something different in the town centre. We are also working on projects that will run throughout the year, which will involve music, dancing and workshops for all ages.Watch our myspace for all the detailsCome Together Crew. x"
Gutted! :'(

25 Aug 2007
up and down
So it's been an up and down couple of weeks... I've been real busy with the teaching and trying to sort out a survey for this boat I hope to buy and gigs and selling the album and all that's good... but I had to go up north for a family funeral this week... very sad and pretty intense too... hopefully everyone's gonna be ok, y'know as can be...
Anyhow I'm back down south again and back in the saddle so get down to a gig! and y'know buy my stuff 'cos I need to get the money together for this boat! ;)

10 Aug 2007
Album now set up to buy online!
You can now buy my album online through my cafe press site:
That is if you can't make it along to one of my many gigs and get a copy from me there!
I'm gonna look into selling it through iTunes or something too... so watch this space and I'm gonna revamp my website a bit too so it's all a bit less of a maze! ;)

02 Aug 2007
New tracks up from new album! Current mood: sleepy
New mp3 tracks up! Enjoy people! Now I go to bed! I soooo tired! ;)

01 May 2007
Cold cure upshot!
Ok I know it's been a while...
So here's how the cold cure went... I couldn't get genuine scrumpy in the shop so got Henry Weston's Vintage Cider (8.2%) - strongest available cos I figured the alcohol pulls the good stuff out of the onion before it gets boiled off...
That's very tasty cider by the way...
Unless you boil an onion in it... It didn't make me spew and it did seem to be powerfully decongestive! Especially while "piping" hot... However it did have a pretty Shabba (- Rank - that is) aftertaste... It was kind of the taste equivalent of old socks steeped in urine...
Anyhow I slept pretty well and having gone to bed about 30% I was probably about 60% on form the following day - the Friday, a noticeable improvement beyond the to be expected I reckoned...
And indeed with application of lots of ginger (chopped raw root ginger), honey and lemon "tea" on the day my voice worked well enough to do the recordings on Sunday! Woo!
So a qualified success...
Thanks to Gary for posting the polish equivalent... Interesting that it also involves garlic (closely related to onion) and booze... Hmmmm....

posted by jon at 5:26 PM


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