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Monday, February 18, 2008

18 Feb 2008

Preacher John's Open Floor Night is no more!

It is over! it is an ex-night! it is deceased! it 'as passed away! it is no more! etc. etc. etc.
Too few folks showing up to play over too many months I'm afraid! so I'm gonna do something else with my third Friday of the month night!

It happened before years back with the "Sunday Sermon"- these things seem to have a life span (about two years it seems) and then the core people who used to come to them go off to Uni / have kids / be famous rockstars / record albums / get proper jobs etc... which is all good and good luck to all of you!

Big thanks to everyone who came to the nights over the last couple years!

Especial thanks (in no particular order) go to:
Bethan and Three Mile Cross
Richard & Sarah & Craig & Ian & Adrian - Desdemona / Dolly and the Clothes Pegs
Mike Rose
Chris Nolan
Katy Took
Matt Dixie
Brian Day
Paula Curtis
Becky P.
Pete & Tom & Pete Dog - Pete and the Pirates
Gail - Hot Silk Pockets
Rev. John Ham
Paul Davies
Nick Davis
Johnny Hoggett
Al Carlyle

and everyone else who came and played and helped out and made those nights strange and beautiful!Sorry if I missed your name it's bloody cold in this office and my feet are freezing!
You are stars! Keep on Rocking people!

Cheers folks
see you out there gigging!
Preacher John:)

posted by jon at 4:08 PM


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