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Saturday, May 02, 2009

On the upside I'm cracking on typing up my next book of poetry! :)

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posted by jon at 11:52 AM

I see arseholes... I was walkin' down by the Thames next to Sonning a minute ago.. It's beautiful down here.. Now clearly some folks have been along earlier for a bbq.. I'll bet they had a lovely time in sun.. And then they left a massive pile of rancid rubbish behind.. Wankers! What is it with people? They go somewhere beautiful and straightaway fuck it up! When I was out in Mexico I'd go out to gorgeous unspoilt beaches in the middle of nowhere.. Only to find that if they could people actually drove their bloody cars right onto the beach, parked up and started leaving rubbish! I actually had to walk for miles along the coast to find somewhere that wasn't turned into half a parking lot cum rubbish pile! Never mind global warming - when are people going to pick up their crap?! Arseholes!


posted by jon at 11:51 AM


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